Strata Dispute Lawyer Sydney: Specialising in Strata By-Laws and Legal Disputes

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Dealing with complex laws and potentially problematic situations inherent in strata disputes in Sydney requires the guidance of legal expertise. Johnsons Law Group provides expert legal services, helping clients to navigate these challenges with precision and care. With years of dedicated experience and a team specialised in strata disputes, we are well-equipped to represent your interests effectively.


  • Mediation and Negotiation
  • By-law Enforcement Advice
  • Representation in Tribunal Hearings
  • Strata Scheme Compliance Reviews
  • Drafting and Amending Strata By-laws
  • Resolving Common Property Disputes

At Johnsons Law Group, we offer unmatched expertise in resolving strata disputes by leveraging deep legal knowledge, a commitment to client care and a strategic approach tailored to each unique case, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Ready to resolve your strata dispute? Call Johnsons Law Group now at 02 9600 7277 or visit our Contact Us page for expert guidance.

Our Professional Strata Services

At Johnsons Law Group, we specialise in a wide range of strata dispute services designed to protect your rights and interests within your strata scheme. Our team of experienced lawyers provides personalised solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients.

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Mediation and Negotiation

Our mediation and negotiation services help facilitate amicable solutions between conflicting parties in a strata scheme. We aim to resolve disputes efficiently, which can help preserve relationships and reduce the need for more formal legal actions.

By-law Enforcement Advice

We provide strategic advice on enforcing strata by-laws effectively. Our team helps ensure that your strata scheme’s rules are upheld, assisting in maintaining order and compliance within your community.

Representation in Tribunal Hearings

Johnsons Law Group represents clients in tribunal hearings, advocates for their rights and ensures their voices are heard. We prepare and present your case effectively to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Strata Scheme Compliance Reviews

Our compliance review services ensure that your strata scheme adheres to all relevant laws and regulations. We help identify potential legal issues before they become problems, safeguarding your scheme from legal liabilities.

Drafting and Amending Strata By-laws

We specialise in drafting clear and enforceable strata by-laws tailored to the unique needs of your community. Additionally, we can amend existing by-laws to better reflect the current needs of your strata scheme.

Resolving Common Property Disputes

Our lawyers are skilled in handling disputes related to common property, ensuring fair use and management. We negotiate and resolve conflicts to maintain peace and functionality in shared spaces.

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How We Help Our Clients with Strata Disputes

At Johnsons Law Group, we are dedicated to delivering effective legal solutions that address the specific challenges of strata disputes. Our approach is proactive, client-focused and results-oriented.

  • Legal Advice and Guidance: We provide expert legal advice to help our clients understand their rights and the complexities of strata law, ensuring informed decision-making throughout the dispute resolution process.
  • Strategic Planning: Our strategic planning services include a comprehensive analysis of the dispute and a tailored plan to address and resolve the issues efficiently.
  • Direct Representation: We directly represent our clients in all negotiations and legal proceedings, as well as offer robust advocacy to secure their interests.
  • Ongoing Support: Johnsons Law Group offers ongoing support to ensure that our clients receive continuous guidance throughout their strata dispute process.
  • Custom Legal Solutions: Each strata dispute is unique; thus, we provide customised legal solutions that specifically address the individual needs and objectives of our clients.
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Choose Johnsons Law Group for Premier Strata Dispute Services in Sydney

Selecting the right legal team is crucial for managing and resolving strata disputes effectively. Here’s why Johnsons Law Group stands out:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our lawyers are highly skilled in strata law, bringing years of focused experience to your case.
  • Client-Centred Service: We prioritise your needs and tailor our services to ensure the best outcomes.
  • Proven Track Record: With a history of successful case resolutions, we are a trusted name in strata dispute resolution.
  • Strategic Approach: Our strategic legal planning maximises your success in both negotiations and court proceedings.
  • Comprehensive Support: From initial advice to final resolution, we support you at every step.

Navigate Strata Conflicts Smoothly with Johnsons Law Group – Experienced Strata Dispute Lawyers in Sydney

Call us at 02 9600 7277 or visit our Contact Us page to discuss your strata dispute needs with our experts. At Johnsons Law Group, we’re here to help you deal with the complexities of strata disputes with confidence and ease.

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